IR Remote & Control Box for 24-Key for Horse Race Lamp LED Strip Light
Supply voltage: DC 12V
Output current: 27A (max)
0utput: 9 channels
Control Box Dimensions: 7.0cm L x 4.5cm W x 2.9cm T
Remote Dimensions: 8.4 cm L x 5.2cm W x 0.6cm T
1. Single color horse race lamp gradually changes
2. Static color
3. Seven color horse race lamp gradually change
4. Single color horse race lamp
5. Seven color horse race lamp change
6. Seven color jump flash gradually change
7. Seven color horse race lamp
8. Single color gradually changes
9. Seven color horse race lamp
Left: horse race lamp to left direction.
Right: horse race lamp to right direction
Controller details(according to the controller interface)
ON | SMD | RGB | OFF |
G--green | 1-- single color change | 2-- Static color | 3-- Seven color horse race lamp gradually change |
B--blue | 4-- single color change | 5-- Seven color change | 6-- Seven color jump flash gradually change |
R--red | 7-- Seven color horse race lamp | 8-- single color gradually change | 9-- Seven color horse race lamp |
O-light blue | | ↑--increase brightness (8 steps total) | |
W--white | Slow--reduce speed | Reset | Rapide—increase horse race lamp speed |
O-purple | | ↓--reduce brightness (8 steps total) | |
O-yellow | Left-- horse race lamp to left direction. | | Right-- horse race lamp to right direction. |
Package included:
1 x Control box
1 x 24-key remote